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Type Title Author Replies Groups Last postsort icon
Meeting talk IST status, requirements and deliverables videbaks 2014-07-23 09:06
Meeting talk PXL status, requirements and deliverables videbaks 2014-07-23 09:05
Meeting talk Cost and Schedule videbaks 2014-07-23 09:03
Meeting talk HFT status and overview videbaks 2014-07-23 09:02
Meeting HFT dry run videbaks STAR Protected 2014-07-23 09:02
Meeting talk Particle spetra in SDD (2009 data) lukfulek 2014-07-23 08:58
STAR Contribution Heavy Flavor Measurements at STAR rvertesi 2014-07-23 04:34
Blog entry SSD Sti Geometry smirnovd 2014-07-22 10:29
Meeting PWGC Meeting geurts STAR Protected 2014-07-21 16:47
Meeting HFT Software margetis 1 2014-07-19 12:08
Meeting talk Survey Measurment dongx 2014-07-18 12:35
Meeting talk SSD code update bouchet 2014-07-18 11:54
Blog entry HFT Pixel Survey report July17 xgn1992 2014-07-18 11:42
Meeting talk tracking study qiuh 2014-07-18 11:27
Meeting Sti/HFT readiness check point meeting jeromel 2014-07-17 12:56
Meeting STAR Management Meeting xzb 1 STAR Protected 2014-07-17 04:54
Meeting STAR Management Meeting xzb 2014-07-17 04:20
Meeting talk Bam halo and accidentals in 2009 adamczyk 2014-07-16 09:22
Meeting talk Elastic pp scattering: Nuclear Slope Parameter B and its systematic error rafal_s 2014-07-16 02:37
STAR Publication Beam-energy dependence of charge separation along the magnetic field in Au+Au collisions at RHIC rexwg 2014-07-15 16:08
Book page StMc package perev 2014-07-15 15:47
Book page StMc package perev 2014-07-15 15:28
Book page The STAR Simulation Framework jwebb 2014-07-15 09:46
Book page Report Reference documents videbaks 2014-07-15 08:59
Blog entry Sti Volume Segmentation Test smirnovd 2014-07-14 10:04