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Conference session Spectra Parallel Session barannik 2007-10-11 09:54
Conference talk Three-particle dphi correlations with associated protons barannik 2007-10-11 09:46
Conference talk Systematic studies of high-pt dE/dx in Au+Au barannik 2007-10-11 09:45
Conference talk dE/dx identified di-hadron correlations barannik 2007-10-11 09:44
Conference talk Strange-non-strange di-hadron correlations in Au+Au and Cu+Cu barannik 2007-10-11 09:44
Conference talk Coffee barannik 2007-10-11 09:42
Conference talk Omega-hadron azimuthal corrlations barannik 2007-10-11 09:41
Conference talk Strange-non-strange di-hadron correlations in Au+Au and Cu+Cu barannik 2007-10-11 09:41
Conference talk Paper outline: System size dependence of unidentified hadron correlations barannik 2007-10-11 09:40
STAR Publication Integration and conventional systems at STAR chajecki 2007-10-10 22:39
STAR Publication Hardware controls for the STAR experiment at RHIC chajecki 2007-10-10 22:36
STAR Publication The STAR Level-3 trigger system chajecki 2007-10-10 22:24
STAR Publication The STAR trigger chajecki 2007-10-10 22:22
STAR Publication An overview of the STAR DAQ system chajecki 2007-10-10 22:17
STAR Publication The STAR Photon Multiplicity Detector chajecki 2007-10-10 22:15
STAR Publication The STAR endcap electromagnetic calorimeter chajecki 2007-10-10 22:10
STAR Publication The STAR Barrel Electromagnetic Calorimeter chajecki 2007-10-10 22:07
STAR Publication Identification of high pT particles with the STAR-RICH detector chajecki 2007-10-10 22:05
STAR Publication The forward time projection chamber in STAR chajecki 2007-10-10 22:03
STAR Publication STAR TPC gas system chajecki 2007-10-10 21:57
STAR Publication The laser system for the STAR time projection chamber testadmin 2007-10-10 21:55
STAR Publication A readout system for the STAR time projection chamber testadmin 2007-10-10 21:53
STAR Publication The STAR time projection chamber: a unique tool for studying high multiplicity events at RHIC chajecki 2007-10-10 21:49
STAR Publication The STAR silicon strip detector (SSD) testadmin 2007-10-10 21:45
STAR Publication The STAR Silicon Vertex Tracker: A large area Silicon Drift Detector testadmin 2007-10-10 21:41