STAR TPC review summary/actions

Speaker : Hans-Georg Ritter ( LBL )

Talk time : 12:00, Duration : 00:20

run7 readiness

Speaker : Bill Christie ( BNL )

Talk time : 11:40, Duration : 00:20

MTD MRPC prototype

Speaker : Yongjie Sun ( USTC )

Talk time : 11:25, Duration : 00:15

Soft photon and its HBT

Speaker : Gang Wang ( UCLA )

Talk time : 11:00, Duration : 00:25

R&D simulation updates

Speaker : Maxim Potekhin ( BNL )

Talk time : 12:50, Duration : 00:10

Current Events:

  • Data migration to HPSS: announcements, user feedback
  • rebuilt in DEV
  • The dataset rcf1276 has been completed, 38k event accumulated.
  • VMC geometry components updated.
  • QA1276 still only beginning.

 Next steps:

Progress toward ROOT 5

Speaker : Valeri Fine ( BNL )

Talk time : 12:40, Duration : 00:10

Upgrades and Reviews

11:00Soft photon and its HBT ( 00:25 ) 0 filesGang Wang (UCLA)
11:25MTD MRPC prototype ( 00:15 ) 1 fileYongjie Sun (USTC)
11:40run7 readiness ( 00:20 ) 1 fileBill Christie (BNL)
12:00STAR TPC review summary/actions ( 00:20 ) 0 filesHans-Georg Ritter (LBL)

Action Items


Immediate action items:

HFT/IST Upgrades

Speaker : Jim Thomas ( LBL )

Talk time : 10:15, Duration : 00:20

Error fitting in Sti

Speaker : Victor Perevoztchikov ( BNL )

Talk time : 12:30, Duration : 00:10

Trigger workshop summary/action items

Speaker : Hank Crawford ( UCB/SpaceLab )

Talk time : 09:45, Duration : 00:30

Calibration R&D and recent findings

Speaker : Gene Van Buren ( BNL )

Talk time : 12:20, Duration : 00:10
There is a long "to-do" list of R&D activities in calibrations, some of which are listed below; please let me know if you are interested.

Current work:

STAR Accomplishments/Plans

Speaker : Tim Hallman ( BNL )

Talk time : 09:15, Duration : 00:30


Speaker : USTC Head ( USTC )

Talk time : 09:00, Duration : 00:15

p+p Run6 Spin PWG QA

Speaker : Adam Kocoloski ( MIT )

Talk time : 12:00, Duration : 00:10
    Basic QA work that has been done:
  • Pibero has checked that the straight-line tracking was successful
  • BEMC calibrations have projected tracks to towers and reconstructed MIP peaks
  • BEMC calibrations have used dE/dx to reconstruct electron E/p peaks
  • The jet finder is a major source of QA data for the Spin PWG. Discussions have begun this week about running a first pass of the jet finder over at PDSF for this purpose.

    Welcome and Future/Upgrades

    09:00Welcome ( 00:15 ) 0 filesUSTC Head (USTC)
    09:15STAR Accomplishments/Plans ( 00:30 ) 0 filesTim Hallman (BNL)
    09:45Trigger workshop summary/action items ( 00:30 ) 0 filesHank Crawford (UCB/SpaceLab)
    10:15HFT/IST Upgrades ( 00:20 ) 0 filesJim Thomas (LBL)

    STAR Collaboration Meeting at Hefei (China)

    from Thursday, 1 January 1970 to Thursday, 1 January 1970
    Conference duration: 1 day

    Data Management


    The data management section will have information on data transfer and development/consolidation of tools used in STAR for Grid data transfer.


    Run 6 BTOW Calibration



    This is not the final calibration for the 2006 data, but it's a big improvement over what's currently in the DB.  It uses MIPs to set relative gains for the towers in an

    Pi-Xi first fit

    Speaker : Petr Chaloupka

    Talk time : 15:40, Duration : 00:10