05 W-algo pass-A through full 2012 data and MC


 Here are the EtaBin sorted histograms for the data and MC /star/u/stevens4/forJan/8.28.12/

For data day 84-86 are rejected.

jba310 = W+
jba311 = W-
jba322 = Z/gamma*
jbb330 = filtered QCD

Also, standard movies for each sample and eta slice are linked from


Attachements A-G,I-K show examples of critical plots for W-Algo, sorted by 6 eta bins and for 4 types of events: 2012 real data + MC: W+, W-, fileterd QCD

The plotting macro is in attachement H. The following relative normalization was used:


dataNameA[mxF]={"STAR data 2012", "Pythia W+", "filter Pythia QCD" , "Pythia W-"};

 lumScale[mxF]={80.,  192/0.65,   27*2.2,   198/0.84}; 

It was choosen to reproduce W+,W- eta-integrated yield.