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- Combinatorial background subtraction for e+e- signals
- Estimating Acceptance Uncertainty due to unknown Upsilon Polarization
- Estimating Drell-Yan contribution from NLO calculation.
- Response to PRD referee comments on Upsilon Paper
- Upsilon Analysis in d+Au 2008
- Upsilon Analysis in p+p 2009
- Upsilon Paper: pp, d+Au, Au+Au
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Upsilon Analysis in p+p 2009 data - Acceptance
Updated on Fri, 2011-12-23 15:40. Originally created by khill on 2011-12-23 15:40.
- Acceptance (Kurt Hill)
- Raw pT, y distribution of Upsilon
- Accepted pT, y distribution of Upsilons
- Acceptance
- Raw pT, eta distribution of e+,e- daughters
- Accepted pT, eta distribution of e+,e- daughters
- Comparison plots between single-electron embedding, Upsilon embedding
- Printer-friendly version
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