Code to run Pythia and produce b-bbar -> e+ e- events
// Modified from the
// which is a part of the PYTHIA event generator.
// Copyright (C) 2008 Torbjorn Sjostrand.
// PYTHIA is licenced under the GNU GPL version 2, see COPYING for details.
// Please respect the MCnet Guidelines, see GUIDELINES for details.
// This is a simple test program.
#include "Pythia.h"
#include "TROOT.h"
#include "TFile.h"
#include "TH1.h"
bool isBHadron(int id) {
// This snippet is meant to capture all B hadrons
// as given in the PDG.
if (id<0) id*=-1;
if (id<500) return false;
return (fmod(id/100,5.)==0.0 || id/1000==5);
using namespace Pythia8;
int main() {
// Initialize root
TROOT root("Manuel's ROOT Session","PYTHIA Histograms");
// Generator. Process selection. LHC initialization. Histogram.
Pythia pythia;
// Uncomment line below to turns on all HardQCD processses
// These are 111-116 and 121-124
//pythia.readString("HardQCD:all = on");
// Turn on only bbar production:
// g g -> b bbar (subprocess 123)
// q qbar -> b bbar (subprocess 124)
pythia.readString("HardQCD:gg2bbbar = on");
pythia.readString("HardQCD:qqbar2bbbar = on");
pythia.readString("PhaseSpace:pTHatMin = 20.");
// Random number Generator Should be Set Here if needed (before pythia.init())
// On seeds:
// seed = -1 : default (any number < 0 will revert to the default). seed = 19780503
// seed = 0 : calls Stdlib time(0) to provide a seed based on the unix time
// seed = 1 through 900 000 000: various numbers that can be used as seeds
//pythia.readString("Random.setSeed = on");// doesn't work needs fixing
//pythia.readString("Random.seed = 3000000");
pythia.init( 2212, 2212, 200.);
Hist mult("charged multiplicity", 100, -0.5, 799.5);
TH1D* multHist = new TH1D("multHist","Multiplicity",100,-0.5,99.5);
TH1D* bquarkPt = new TH1D("bquarkPt","bquarkPt",100,0,50);
TH1D* bbarquarkPt = new TH1D("bbarquarkPt","bbar quark Pt",100,0,50);
TH1D* B0mesonPt = new TH1D("BOmesonPt","B0mesonPt",100,0,50);
TH1D* B0barmesonPt = new TH1D("BObarmesonPt","B0bar meson Pt",100,0,50);
TH1D* electronFrombPt = new TH1D("electronFrombPt","electrons from b",100,0,30);
TH1D* positronFrombPt = new TH1D("positronFrombPt","positrons from b",100,0,30);
TH1D* epluseminusMinv = new TH1D("epluseminusMinv","e+ e- Inv. Mass",100,0,30);
// Begin event loop. Generate event. Skip if error. List first one.
for (int iEvent = 0; iEvent < 10000; ++iEvent) {
if (! continue;
if (iEvent < 1) {; pythia.event.list();}
// Find number of all final charged particles and fill histogram.
// Find the b (id = 5) and bbar (id = -5), find their daughters,
// if daughters include electron (id = 11) and positron (id=-11), calculate their
// invariant mass
// Status flags:
// 21 incoming particles of hardest subprocess
// 23 outgoing particles of hardest subprocess
// 81-89 primary hadrons produced by hadronization process (B mesons, e.g.)
// 91-99 particles produced in decay process or by B-E effects (e.g. the electrons)
int nCharged = 0;
int indexBQuark(0), indexBbarQuark(0);
for (int i = 0; i < pythia.event.size(); ++i) {
if (pythia.event[i].isFinal() && pythia.event[i].isCharged()) {
Particle& theParticle = pythia.event[i];
if ( == 5 ) {
indexBQuark = i;
//cout << "Mother 1, Mother 2 = " << theParticle.mother1() << ", " << theParticle.mother2() << endl;
if ( == -5) {
indexBbarQuark = i;
//cout << "Mother 1, Mother 2 = " << theParticle.mother1() << ", " << theParticle.mother2() << endl;
} // particle loop
cout << "Found b quark at index " << indexBQuark << endl;
cout << "Found bbar quark at index " << indexBbarQuark << endl;
mult.fill( nCharged );
//cout << "Event " << iEvent << ", Nch= " << nCharged << endl;
//Find hadronization products of b and bbar.
int bQuarkDaughter1 = pythia.event[indexBQuark].daughter1();
int bQuarkDaughter2 = pythia.event[indexBQuark].daughter2();
int bbarQuarkDaughter1 = pythia.event[indexBbarQuark].daughter1();
int bbarQuarkDaughter2 = pythia.event[indexBbarQuark].daughter2();
// Obtain the two hadrons from the fragmentation process
// Use the PDG id's for this. All B mesons id's are of the form xx5xx, and
// all B baryons are of the form 5xxx.
// So we obtain the id, (make it positive if needed) and then test
// to see if it is a meson with fmod(currId/100,5)==0.0
// to see if it is a baryon with currId/1000==5
int HadronFromBQuark(0), HadronFromBbarQuark(0);
if (bQuarkDaughter1<bQuarkDaughter2) {
cout << "Daughters of b Quark" << endl;
for (int j=bQuarkDaughter1; j<=bQuarkDaughter2; ++j) {
if (isBHadron(pythia.event[j].id())) {
cout << "Fragmentation: b -> " << pythia.event[j].name() << endl;
cout << " id " << pythia.event[j].id() << " at index " << j << endl;
HadronFromBQuark = j;
if (bbarQuarkDaughter1<bbarQuarkDaughter2) {
cout << "Daughters of bbar Quark" << endl;
for (int k=bbarQuarkDaughter1; k<=bbarQuarkDaughter2; ++k) {
if (isBHadron(pythia.event[k].id())) {
cout << "Fragmentation : bbar -> " << pythia.event[k].name() << endl;
cout << " id " << pythia.event[k].id() << " at index " << k << endl;
HadronFromBbarQuark = k;
// Search the daughters of the hadrons until electrons and positrons are found
// if there are any from a semileptonic decay of a beauty hadron
// Start with the b quark
int Daughter(HadronFromBQuark), electronIndex(0), positronIndex(0);
while (Daughter!=0) {
cout << "Checking " << pythia.event[Daughter].name() << " for e+/e- daughters" << endl;
if (pythia.event[Daughter].id()==-511) {
// This is a Bbar0, enter its pT
cout << "Filling Bbar0 pT" << endl;
if (pythia.event[Daughter].id()==511) {
// This is a B0, enter its pT
cout << "Filling Bbar0 pT" << endl;
int nextDaughter1 = pythia.event[Daughter].daughter1();
int nextDaughter2 = pythia.event[Daughter].daughter2();
// search for electron or positron
for (int iDaughter = nextDaughter1; iDaughter<=nextDaughter2; ++iDaughter) {
if (pythia.event[iDaughter].id()==11) {
cout << "Found electron" << endl;
cout << pythia.event[iDaughter].name() << endl;
if (pythia.event[iDaughter].id()==-11) {
cout << "Found positron" << endl;
cout << pythia.event[iDaughter].name() << endl;
}// loop over daughters to check for e+e-
// If we get here, that means there were no electrons nor positrons.
// Set the Daughter index to zero now.
Daughter = 0;
// If any of the daughters is still a beauty-hadron, we can try again
// and reset the Daughter index, but only if one of the daughters contains a
// b quark.
for (int jDaughter = nextDaughter1; jDaughter<=nextDaughter2; ++jDaughter) {
if (isBHadron(pythia.event[jDaughter].id())) {
//One of the daughters is a beauty hadron.
Daughter = jDaughter;
}// loop over daughters to check for another b hadron
}// end of search for electrons in all the daughters of the b quark
// Now search among the daughters of the bbar quark
while (Daughter!=0) {
cout << "Checking " << pythia.event[Daughter].name() << " for e+/e- daughters" << endl;
if (pythia.event[Daughter].id()==-511) {
// This is a Bbar0, enter its pT
cout << "Filling Bbar0 pT" << endl;
if (pythia.event[Daughter].id()==511) {
// This is a B0, enter its pT
cout << "Filling B0 pT" << endl;
int nextDaughter1 = pythia.event[Daughter].daughter1();
int nextDaughter2 = pythia.event[Daughter].daughter2();
// search for electron or positron
for (int iDaughter = nextDaughter1; iDaughter<=nextDaughter2; ++iDaughter) {
//cout << "daughter is a " << pythia.event[iDaughter].name() << endl;
if (pythia.event[iDaughter].id()==11) {
cout << "Found electron" << endl;
cout << pythia.event[iDaughter].name() << endl;
if (pythia.event[iDaughter].id()==-11) {
cout << "Found positron" << endl;
cout << pythia.event[iDaughter].name() << endl;
}// loop over daughters to check for e+e-
// If we get here, that means there were no electrons nor positrons.
// Set the Daughter index to zero now.
Daughter = 0;
// If any of the daughters is still a beauty-hadron, we can try again
// and reset the Daughter index, but only if one of the daughters contains a
// b quark.
for (int jDaughter = nextDaughter1; jDaughter<=nextDaughter2; ++jDaughter) {
if (isBHadron(pythia.event[jDaughter].id())) {
//One of the daughters is a beauty hadron.
Daughter = jDaughter;
}// loop over daughters to check for another b hadron
}//end of search for electron among daughters of bbar quark
if (electronIndex!=0 && positronIndex!=0) {
cout << "Found an e+e- pair from bbar" << endl;
cout << "Ele 4-mom = " << pythia.event[electronIndex].p() << endl;
cout << "Pos 4-mom = " << pythia.event[positronIndex].p() << endl;
Vec4 epluseminus(pythia.event[electronIndex].p()+pythia.event[positronIndex].p());
else {
cout << "No e+e- pair in event" << endl;
// End of event loop. Statistics. Histogram. Done.
}// event loop
//cout << mult << endl;
//Write Output ROOT hisotgram into ROOT file
TFile* outFile = new TFile("pythiaOutputHistos1M.root","RECREATE");
return 0;
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