
Restore Migration Macros


The Migration Macros are monitored here, if they have stopped the page will display values in red.

  1. Call Database Expert 356-2257

Restore RunLog Browser


If the Run Log Browser is not Updating...

  1. make sure all options are selected and deselect "filter bad"
    often - people will complain about missing runs and they are just not selected
  2. Call DB EXPERT: 349-2257
  3. Check
    • log onto node as stardb (password known by Michael, Wayne, Jerome, Gene)
    • df -k ( make sure a disk did not fill) - If it did: cd into the appropriate data directory (i.e. /mysqldata00/Run_7/port_3501/mysql/data) and copy /dev/null into the large log file

Online Recipes


Here are some recipies, fault-tree, how-to, to get some of the online database routines/services working again

Unix command location

This is a quick reference of unix program's path locations.

Program Path Comment
awk /bin/awk MAC has it in /usr/bin
basename /bin/basename MAC has it in /usr/bin
cat /bin/cat  
cp /bin/cp  
cut /usr/bin/cut  
crontab /usr/bin/crontab  
df /bin/df  
date /bin/date  
domainname /bin/domainname  
find /usr/bin/find  
grep /bin/grep On Solaris, /usr/xpg4/bin/grep allows for extended pattern while the default do not (for example, -E only with xpg4)
MAC has it in /usr/bin
hostname /bin/hostname  
id /usr/bin/id (checked only on Solaris & Linux)
mkdir /bin/mkdir  
mkfifo /usr/bin/mkfifo  
netstat /bin/netstat

Embedding focus meeting 3

Thursday, 1 January 1970
, at 00:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00

Pion Yields

currently not in use



Embedding focus meeting 2

Thursday, 1 January 1970
, at 00:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00

Chain check, momentum issues

The below plots were the basis for the second You do not have access to view this node as a follow of the You do not have access to view this node.

Olga versus Victor plots - Are they consistent?

SSD group

SSD Group Pages



Most Hypernews forum will have to be retired - please consult the list of mailing lists at this link to be sure you need HN at a

bfcMixer.C Reshape

b>Date: Wednesday, 18 April 2007
Time: 12:21:45
Topic: Embedding Reshape

18 April 2007 12:21:56

Embedding focus meeting

Thursday, 1 January 1970
, at 00:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
Phone bridge is

In the US, call 1-605-475-8500
Enter Conference Room Number : 5343115

  • Summary of opened issues   Olga et al.
  • SL05f library status              Jerome, Lidia
  • Momentum shift issue          Victor
  • Chain and macros reshape    Lee see [node:4354]
  • Plan for the week

SSD weekly meeting

Thursday, 1 January 1970
, at 00:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00
11:00HV Trips ( 00:10 ) 0 filesVi Nham
11:10Status of Caen Suppy ( 00:10 ) 0 filesJim
11:20Data Quality ( 00:10 ) 1 fileJonathan
11:30Pedestal - Calibration Run ( 00:10 ) 1 fileJonathan
11:40Moderator for next two weeks ( 00:05 ) 0 filesHoward
11:45Nantes Meeting Schedule ( 00:10 ) 0 filesHoward
11:55update on simu : configuration 3 ( 00:05 ) 1 fileJonathan
12:00Anything else ( 00:10 ) 0 files

Software coordinator meeting #1

Thursday, 1 January 1970
, at 00:00 (GMT), duration : 00:00

  • Round table status and incoming needs by the sub-systems
    • Hopefully, PMD status (I understand Subhasis at least will join? Rashmi, could you join?)
  • Feedback on calibration tasks & needs
  • QA (FastOffline & online) - how is it working for you. Needs additions
  • Quick tour of the online scanning issue / findings

Seventh Iteration

Run 8095073, 600k events.

2007 run, hardware changes




 April 4, 5 pm, no beam: 

We would like ETOW tcd phase set from 12->19 and EMSD from 55->65 , Jeff implemented it

 Will's new table (to be implemented)

BTOW map problem and solution

If you are not familiar with the map problem follow this discussion in the emc-list.

Fifth Iteration

Runs:  8092080, 8092081, 8092083

SMD High Voltage Operation

Version 1.10 -- 04/25/06, O.D.Tsai


The SMD detectors are a set of 120 proportional wire chambers located inside the EMC modules (one per module). The operating gas is Ar/CO2(90/10). The nominal operating voltage is +1430 V. As for any other gaseous detector, manipulation with high voltage should be performed with great care.