HV scan

Attached are some plots from the HV scan on day 090.
The first set of plots shows the distribution of the number of digis per module per event recorded in the 10% most central events (selected by a cut on the TOF L0 multiplicity). Printed in red is the mean of the distribution in each module.

The second set of plots shows the distribution of the number of reconstructed hits per module in the 10% most central events (selected by a cut on the number of reconstructed bTOF hits). Printed in red is the mean of the distribution in each module.

I also looked at the fraction of events that have at least 1 eTOF hit reconstructed. This increases from 88.7% for the lowest HV setting (run 20090030) to 95.4% for the highest HV set (run 20090034).

The average number of matched primary tracks per event that enter the PID plots is

2.12  in run 027
1.71  in run 028
1.31  in run 029
0.92  in run 030

2.90  in run 031

3.36  in run 032
3.57  in run 033
4.25  in run 034