MTD HV CAEN Board (A1534) Settings.

 When installing a new board into a SY4527 mainframe, the settings on the board are configured to the previous use-so factory settings or test bench settings.  To check/configure the board, there are (at least) two ways to go about it [ CAEN HV Control Software or EPICS].

The boards used in mtd-hv are A1534s.

Easiest(?) Method:
Use CAENHVControlSoftware. so on mtd@mtd-cr, cd to /home/mtd/CAENHVControlSoftware-1.1.2/bin/
then: ./CAENControlSoftware

[This software is outdated, but does the job.]

A GUI should pop up, on the top left menu- click File->Connect.

log in to mtd-hv as admin.

and then a couple more guis should pop up inside the main GUI and look something like this: .

Then click on the parameters you want to adjust and type in the new value and carriage return.

[02/02/2016 a new board was installed into slot 5]

In this case, Board05_Chan00*.

 So here I changed:
 V0Set to 6400 for full voltage (was 0, could have set to standby if wanted instead)
 I0Set to 100uA to match the other boards(was 20uA)
 RUp to 8Vps (was 50Vps)
 RDWn to 30Vps (was 50Vps)

Everything else was the same on the board(except for V1Set & I1Set, but we do not use those--we could for standby&change the control operations a bit...).

Second Method:
Use EPICS. The commands to monitor and set the parameters through epics can be sent almost anywhere on starp that has epics running, but use mtd-cr just to be safe.

To monitor:
caget MTD:HV:Negative:5:0:v0set

v0set = the demand voltage setting
i0set = the max current setting
rampup = ramp up rate
rampdn = ramp down rate

To set:
caput MTD:HV:Negative:5:0:v0set 6400

To check to see which variables are available to read/set, you can look at (on mtd-cr) /home/mtd/MTD/HV/HVCAENx527_3.7.2/db/MTDHV.db . Use less to look at the file, we do not want to modify it!

Random tidbits:
New board installed: A1534 (neg.) ser. no. 71 board fw: 04.
Current boards(A1534s) slot(1,3,5,7);  ser no (59, 69, 71, 61); fw(3.01,3.01,04.,03.); charge(-,+,-,+)  ramp up rate: 8v.s, down: 30v/s, max current 100uA.  max V 8k.
