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Comparison of conversion rates in MC to data, take 2

Abstract: We compare the conversion rate for simulated π0 events in the 1st radiator of the endcap to data.  We find a conversion rate of 88% +/- 4% for the simulation, comp

chi2 of TPC tracks, 500 GeV pp

 This study shows chi2/DOF for best TPC tracks using current default BFC. (updated, June 2009)

Run 8 Pions - Vertex

Vertex Distributions for minbias (MB) and etot-mb-l2 triggered events:

MIT/BNL Transfer Tests

 The following graphs show the result of a small study on the transfer speeds between the MIT Tier2 cluster and stargrid01/stargrid02.

run9 500 GeV BTOW relative gains calibration

The purpose of this analysis is to calculate the relative gains in the BTOW. The slopes of each individual tower was calculated by Justin according to the W-algo wiki using Scott's method.

Information on the NPE (past) analysis and path forward

Quick start

Comparison of conversion rates in MC to data, take 1

Abstract: We compare the conversion rate for simulated π0 events in the 1st radiator of the endcap to data.  We find a conversion rate of 90% +/- 2% for the simulation, compared with 91.5% +/- 0.3% for the data, where we count any signal w/in R<0.3 of the pion candidate as a conversion.

2009 BSMD Status for 500 GeV Run

The BSMD status analysis for the 500 GeV data proceeds in two steps.  First, each strip is assigned a status for the whole run from an analysis of fills 10399, 10402, 10403, 10404, 10407, 1041

ZDC simulation with enhanced resoluton

I changed the simulation to be able to read out each SMD strip individually so there are 21 by 32 bins instead of 7 by 8.  This required a new binning configuration so I created two; one

ZDC Simulation files and documentation

The simulations consists of three files:
phiAsymmetry_Sim*.C   generates the simulated coincidence histograms.
