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List of files produced with MuKpi

scheduler request :

New Gain Problems: Mod 112/Large pedestal RMS

Module 112 was off for 3/4 of fill 10471 resulting in the following problem:


BSMD Module 116 Eta Plane Problems

While trying to determine BSMD relative gains I ran across a problem in the eta plane of module 116 for fill 10471: saturation appears be occuring at a point well below where we would expect i

Assessing current Run 9 TPC calibrations

Reviewing where we are with the current state of calibration, I have posted to hypernews fora both the enumeration

HF phone conference 06/30/09

 Hi All,

PWGC Presentation on fast-track L2W Production

EMC variation before Jet Clustering

Tai Sakuma has extended the current jet code to allow extra branches, with variations of EMC energies, to be included in the jet tree production.  I have copied his code and made a new tree.&n

BSMD Relative Gains for 500 GeV Run - Update 6/28

To examine the BSMD relative gains for the 500 GeV run I used VPDMB triggered events from fill 10471.

DNP abstract - FGT

2008 pp Eplus/Eminus embedding: EMC Mixer event comparison

The questions:

  1. In embedding data, what makers are necessary to properly include embedded EMC hits into the StEmcCollection for analysis?
  2. How do the embedded EMC hits look like : spatial and energy distribution wise?
  3. How well do embedded tracks match with the EMC points?