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  1.   detectors

6/25/09 meeting

Production preparation 2

Please choose the latest version of the slides.

DIS 2009 Proceedings - Draft 1.0

pp500 QCD simulation request

Please pick newest version of slides.

GEANT Tune Study

One possible cause of the observed discrepancy between data and simulation in the BEMC is the insufficiency of the nominal tracking parameters in GEANT.

Run 6 Pions - Vertex

Vertex Distributions for minbias (MB) and eemc-http-mb-l2gamma (HT) triggered events:

Draft of DIS 2009 Proceedings

The current draft of my DIS 2009 proceedings is at


QM09 proceeding, third version

Hi All,

I have attached the third version of my QM09 proceeding.

Comments and suggestions are welcome,


How to make better plots with ROOT

See the attached file.

Please read README first: