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DIS 2009 talk - Powerpoint Version

 DIS 2009 talk - Powerpoint Version

Updating the Calib_SC_GL.C macro

2013-05-13: Originally this page was meant to be a placeholder. I later forgot about it and created new pages documenting the work, and re-found this page. So I'm adding forwarding links:

TPC Z Shift

I have plotted the inner and outsector z postion vs padrow using pulser data.  You can see these plots at the attached files.  One can see that I plotted the observered zhits and also did

Fixed frequency in asymmetry fits and radial dependence graph

Yesterday I began looking at some statistics to begin investigating a radial dependence for asymmetry in the ZDC.

AutoCalibration service work

[Page was moved to a Blog from an orphan book page]

Below is a write-up for the different scripts used for the autocalibration service work:

Lake Louise proceedings v. 4

Draft Users Meeting Talk

D0 Signal in AuAu 2007Production2

A D0 peak starts to appear in Real and Embedded Data with modified dEdx cut in MuKpi macro

Lake Louise proceedings v. 3

LLWI proceedings ver 2