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PPV performance pp 500 GeV low luminosity 2009

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compiled in stardev


Preparing TPC Anode HV data for the DB

There are 2 kinds of information about the Anode HVs which are important:

*** Additional notes for pp 500, run 2009

  1.  RunLog DB (and perhaps  subsequently other DBs used by FastOffline?) has the wrong magnetic  

Beam Direction from ZDC & BBC



Analysis of D0 Embedded AuAu Data

D0 Embedded Au sample is analyzed for cut optimization

Comparison of jet rates vs year

Attached is a power point with jet rates vs eta for 2006 2008 and 2009

L2jet Investigation: pp200 (2008) Simulation

To investigate how jet triggering should fall off as we move into the endcap, I have run the 2D L2jet code over some pp200 simulations from 2008.

Treatment 2005 Dijet Jet Energy Uncertainty

For the 2005 Dijet cross-section measurement, I propose following method to determine the Jet Energy Scale Uncertainty and its effect on the cross-section.

Inclusive Jets Cross Section Formula


Using SWIG, a simple example for perl and Java


If you do not know what SWIG is, go here first.