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2D LMS vertexing algorithm

See SN0089 for the full write-up of 3d method.

Write-up of 2d method is at:

BSMD status over time

Having created BSMD status tables based on fills 10399, 10402, 10403, 10404, 10407, 10412, 10415 (see

AGS/RHIC Users Meeting - Future Upgrade Session (FGT Input)

 AGS/RHIC Users Meeting - Future Upgrade Session (FGT Input)<

upgrade of PPV vertex finder to 3D (for pp 500 beam line constrain, 2009)

X-Y & Y-Z vertex distribution for real events are here

Comments to STAR BUR Draft

Comments to STAR BUR Draft (Version of 05/18/09 sent around by Jamie)

DB table for TPC Padrow T0s

 TPC calibration analyses have observed timing offsets as a function of padrow for clusters which were found online.



Analysis of RealAuAu Data with SiliconHits and SigmaDca cuts

A D0 signal is studied with cuts on SiliconHits and SigmaDca in Embedded and Real Data

just a test

AuAu@19.6GeV : QA of old (P02ge) vs new (P07id) production - ref. mult.AuAu@19.6GeV : QA of old (P02ge) vs new (P07id) production - ref. mult.




TPC Central Membrane Tracks

There have been concerns about tracks crossing the central membrane. Whether or not there were any primary tracks, which cross the CM. Also, interests about the t0 and its accuracy.