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Analyzing Day 73 ZDC Runs

Run 10073029


BSMD Performance Table

For plots, see here.

Updated QM talk

Hi All,

Here is an updated version of my QM '09 talk – thanks for all the feedback.

To answer a question brought up during the HFT phone conference:

The STAR Forward GEM Tracker

 Presentatation at Frontier Detectors for Frontier Physics, May 24-30, 2009

Rapidity distribution and centrality in dAu 2008 vs dAu 2003

     The rapidity distribution of highest pt particles (pt > 1.5 GeV/c) for dAu2008 and dAu2003 appears to be

BSMD and BPRS runs 10066028-40

TCDPhase[ns] BSMD Delay4 Run
70 97 10066028
70 98 29
70 99 30
35 100 31
70 100 32
0 101 33
35 101 34
70 101 35
0 102 36
35 102 37

Some slides on ZDC SMD

Draft for RSC meeting

Plots for RSC meeting

Quick upload of logos for incoming conferences

This blog is a quick way to provision STAR with logos. Those could be used for the incoming QM 2009 or CHEP 2009 and beyond.

Comparing Total and xnxn cross sections in STARlight

Comparing Total and xnxn cross sections in STARlight.

Plots are for p_t, rapidity, and mass. 

Here is the link for pp event at LHC going into Y->mumu: