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ZDC Polarimetry Runs since 3/19

Abstract: ZDC Polarimetry runs from 3/19 to 3/20 at approx 2:00 PM are processed using Alice's code.

1.0 List of Runs

Run &nbsp

Importance of taking BSMD Pedestals before RHIC ramp

This picture shows a section of CAPID/softID phase space in the BPRS for two different pedestal runs, generated by Willie Leight.

Pythia ♥s Kretzer

RHIC Status - P. Pile Meeting - 03/17/09

 RHIC Status - P. Pile Meeting - 03/17/09


testing 2009 muDst

  1.  Jan, in your maker you need only do:
    StEmcTriggetDetector& emc = StMuDst::event()->emcTriggerDetector();

Trigger Bias Redux

  1. Calculate MC asymmetry for reconstructed tracks matched to GEANT pions in events passing MB trigger.

  2. Do the same for events passing JP2 trigger.

TPC padAdcSum/counts = 3

 The problem was initially noticed as a ratio of the sum (over all time buckets) of pad's ADC values, divided by the DAQ-provided "counts" of non-zero ADCs, gives a ratio of approxim

TPC hits peak at z = +/- 100cm (time bucket 185)

 This issue was already resolved by the time I'm posting this, but I want to make sure it is documented.


BHT trigger problem

Run: 10076100 was taken with single BHT3 trigger set very high at DSM value of 50, close to 12 GeV. »

CNI p-carbon polarimeters data comparison from fill 10300 to fill 10368

         The comparization is between blue1 and blue2, offline and onl