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SSD in/not in tracking : number of TPC tracks

In case of failure scenario, the SSD is not active within the HFT.

QM09 Talk v3

QM09 Talk (v3) - Chris Perkins - Run8 p+p and d+Au

QM09 Presentation, fourth revision

Hi All,

I have now removed all references to our dAu results - currently I am at 14 minutes duration for my talk.



Draft RSC Talk

Draft talk for RSC meeting Friday March 26.  Please comment - especially on comments slide.


_6 is version presented (!)

QM09 Presentation, third revision

Hi All,

Here is the third version of my QM09 talk, after incorporating the feedback from the rehearsal (apologies if I forgot anything).



Collaboration Meeting Spin Review Talk

Talk for STAR Collaboration Spin PWG Talk

e-h correlation for AuAu07 btag and st_gamma

Hi All,

here are the two plots which were discussed yesterday - 3< trig. pt < 6 and 0.15< asso. pt < 1.

As one can see the errors are smaller for the btag data set.

Collaboration Meeting: Azimuthal HBT relative to the highest Pt particle

The attached pdf file has the presentation.

Low rate ramp - Polarization performance - 03/25/09

 Low rate ramp - Polarization performance - 03/25/09

Talk for STAR Collaboration Talk (General Analysis Update)

 .pdf attached