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Preliminary EEMC Timing Curves by Crate + Individual Channels



The following runs were taken for EEMC timing:


Test Entry

Test EntryUML generalizationUML generalization

ZDC polarimetry in p+p 500 GeV runs (fills 10305, 10307, 10308, and 10325)

Each PDF file has the phi dependence fit on the last page.

The beam polarization is taken from the CDEV monitoring job as a ratio rhic_pol->avgAsymXS / rhic_pol->analyzingPowerS.

Run9 BTOW HV Mapping Analysis - Summary

This page outlines all the towers that have been swapped in the Run9 BTOW HV Mapping analysis (cellID->softID mapping).

Slides for A. Gordon (Moriond 2009)


Slides for A. Gordon's talk:

STAR Longitudinal Spin Program

Slide 1: STAR Gluon polarization measurements (ALL Inclusive Jets and Result from global analysis)

ZDC Analysis: Data Taken March 7-8


Run9 BTOW HV Mapping Analysis - Part 2

Because there was not enough statistics taken in the first mod7 data set to determine the other towers that are swapped, another set with softID%6 was taken in order to determine the rest of the to

BTOW timing runs 10065031-45



The following runs were taken for BTOW timing:

QM09 Presentation

Hi All,

You can find my QM 2009 talk attached. Feedback is sought after.





Analyzing runs 10066001-114


Runs analyzed: