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Efficiency for the 1S,2S,3S Upsilon states - Pibero's data set

Figure 1. MC pT distribution of the 3 Upsilon states

UPGR15 No Physics Check

I generated 10000 single-pi+ events (pt=5, -.8<eta<.8) with the following geant settings:

L2 Input File Investigation


Ad-Aware SE Pro (or personal) file definition update


D0 signal in AuAu 2007Production2 - First Look

Analysis of AuAu data using Micro Vertex Code

Data Driven Un-Filtered PYTHIA in Pion Analysis

Invariant mass plots are shown with shower shape substitution being applied with Data Driven Maker (thanks Ilya).

Quick Analysis of Pibero's embedded Upsilon events

Files are located at:


where * = 1,2,3

Maker is located at:

BPRS Online QA

The online QA code takes three histograms as inputs: two 2d histograms that have pedestal-subtracted ADC vs. softId and pedestal-subtracted ADC vs.

2006 Trigger Overlaps after StTriggerUtilies Fix


Efficiency of Microvertex code(MuKpi)- Using Pure D0 sample

Is the code actually reconstructing all D0s?/How much is lost?