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Data Driven MC in Pion Analysis II

Invariant mass plots are shown with and without shower shape substitution being applied with Data Driven Maker (thanks Ilya).

Comparing Data and MC with trigger

 I haven't resolved a sharp discrepancy between data and MC shape after trigger simulator is applied.

W-algo at mid-rapidity, bits & pieces

Development and vetting of mid rapidity W-reco algo  for 2009 run

updated: 11-24-08, changes 12-5-08


Finding a cut for corrupt scalers in Run 8 dAu

The problem

Data Driven MC in Pion Analysis I

Invariant mass plots are shown with and without shower shape substitution being applied with Data Driven Maker (thanks Ilya).

2005 BTOW QA

I looked at the QA that Murad did over the BTOW looking for hot towers for 2005:

Handling stuck 1-second RICH scalers

 I have previously noted instances of "stuck" 1-second RICH scaler readings in Run 8 data [»

QA for Au+Au 200GeV run 7 - Multiplicity vs. Vz

QA - Stability of Multiplicity vs. Vz

QM09 Abstract

Hi All, 

Calculation of the efficiency of D0 with pT

A hand calculation of the D0 efficiency with increasing pT is studied here.