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W-Algorithm Development

This page outlines the development of the W-Algorithm for the run9 500 GeV data taking.

Last updated on 12/08/2008

Version - v1

Efficiency of PixelDetector using patches

This is a study of the Efficiency of Pixel Detector in the tracking of D0s using detector patches, based on the original work by H.Weiman

qm 2009

pdf and txt versions.

version 2 in pdf.

version 3 in txt and pdf.

version 4 in pdf.

2005 pT Shifts Update


2009 Geant geometry

The most recent GEANT geometry (y2008) does NOT contain this  fixture holding beam pipe and FTPCs. 

BNL Shifters for Run9

This blog entry concerns BNL users only.

SPIN PWG Meeting, Dec 4, 2008

Spin PWG Meeting, Dec 4 2008

upgr15 test production

11/30 :

I made a test sample of Au+Au Hijing events with upgr 15 with :

Experimental suggestions of collective flow in p+p collisions at RHIC

QM 09 Abstract proposal (oral presentation)

Title: Experimental suggestions of collective flow in p+p collisions at RHIC

Ideas/List to pursue for Barrel W-algorithm

1) Can we gain anything by looking at those events where there is no track with a vertex to the tower with an energy greater than 20 GeV? What would the contamination be from other sources?