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L2jet Investigation: Hacked pedestal file investigation

At Jan's suggestion, I hacked the pedestal file that the database sees and manually set all the ped values to zero.

oolatex and tex4ht

Installing tex4ht under cygwin?

I came across the famous tex4ht, a highly configurable TeX/LateX to other format converter and tried to install itunder cygwin on my laptop.

Some further evidence/explanation BSMD/BPRS high-energy "band" anomalies

In the course of working on BSMD/BPRS speed-up I have noticed why there are these unusual bands in the upper approximately half of the BSMD/BPRS spectra.

Mac tricks, histo in Excell


 I got valgrind on a macbook pro (oeit edition) using the following commands:

sudo port sync
sudo port install wget

April 2009 APS Meeting Abstract

 .PDF file attached:

"Measurements of Quark Transversity through the Collins Mechanism in Mid-Rapidity Jets in p↑p Collisions at STAR"

L2jet Investigation: Energy Discrepency between Real and Simulated data

One of the problems which came to light when comparing the diagnostic histos from L2jet for real data vs simulation was that the jet energy for the real data was muc


I have expanded my BPRS monitoring code to include the BSMD.  For each of the BPRS, BSMDE, and BSMDP, the code takes as inputs 2d histograms plotting pedestal-subtracted ADC vs.

2006 Jet Energy Scale study

Using the 2006 QCD simulation jet trees, I associated jets found in the pythia record with jets found in the geant record. I then plotted true Pt vs reco Pt.

online services 2008

 Various code used for pp online services in previous years:

online services logistic pp2009


monitor performance of EMC/L0/L2/cdev/scaler during 2009 run using various custom code  (different from PPlot or fast-ofline),  talking directly to various S