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L2jet: Proposed Changes to Official Version 2009a

Proposed Changes


Timing Scans for the Barrel: Take 1


Walgo Ver3 Talk at EMC2 meeting (1/19/09)

Talk for EMC2 Meeting on 1/19/09

W-algo output for W and QCD events without BSMD saturation

Attached are two files of pdfs of the many plots that the W-algo spews out.

HTTP trigger differences in 2006 Jet Tree Productions

Murad and Carl noticed that the jet trees rerun AFTER the jet trigger fix in the trigger code produced an unexpected change in the number of HTTP triggers:

L2jet Investigation: Ross's Code

Here I note some discrepencies between my 5x5 JP jet code using L2VirtualAlgo2006 and my 5x5 JP jet code using L2VirtualAlgo2009.

Electron Positron ratio

Electron to Positron ratio as a function of PT, for 2005 and 2006.

L2 code release

 I've wrapped up a set of changes to the L2 algorithms:


 1. current work

 2. update (01/21)

 3. update (01/23) : here

upVPD Local Polarimetry