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db04 issue : impact on the ssdNoise table (recover)

 A recent issue was found related to one ssd table in db.

For details : 

db04 issue for ssd data

 see db04-issue.pdf for introduction

(previous blog entry was deleted)

Upsilon in pp2006 P08ic - First look

Figure 1: Analysis of 1st attempt at calculating the upsilon cross section

Draft DB schema for StEmcDecoder

Update 2008-11-06: minor naming revisions:

  • use crate/crateChannel instead of crate/sequence in bemcMapping
  • use rdo/rdoChannel instead of crate/position in smd and prs mapping

Update 2008-11-03: I posted a new version of the schemas. The changes are:

  • drop softID field in favor of elementID, as the latter has a special meaning in STAR’s DB API.
  • add eta and phi float fields to give the physical position of each element.
  • rename module-eta-sub to m-e-s so we can redefine eta as above.
  • added PMTbox, MAPMT, and pixel fields in the PRS table.
  • renamed fiber to crate in the SMD and PRS tables.

Archive of embedding output from Birmingham (Part 1 62 GeV Cu+Cu)

NB Mainly notes for self but posting here will enable others to see too.

Cu+Cu 62 GeV strangeness request (P05id)

Draft Panic Talk


QA for run 8 production_dAu (RefMult dist.)

Trying to do further QA for run 8 dAu I plotted the refmult distribution for BBC coincidence rate below 140KHz (Low lum) and above 170KHz ( High Lum) trying to see the effect of pile-up on the refm

JES Presentation for Jet Meeting 27 October 2008

Attached is a presentation that I made to explain a discussion I had with Markus Wobisch about calculating the Jet Energy Scale.

Issue #1290

 These are some event display images related to issue #1290. I have zoomed in to the collision vertex region.

DNP draft-talk

 Draft-talk for DNP 2008 - Ernst