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Hadronization and Underlying Event Correction Factor

I generated a pythia sample using the parameters used for the official jet sample production in the usual partonic pt bins. I let pythia do the jet finding over the final state particles.

quality of hits

New calculation of quality of hits

presentation at the S&C meeting (10/08) summarizing the new formula : here

Run 8 Spin Database QA


Run 8 Spin Database QA 

Summary of 2008 Vertex Finding Effort

The goal was to evaluate the performance of PPV and Minuit with respect to the 2008 pp and dAu collisions, and to improve the vertex finding efficiency where possible.


2008 Electron E/p

I took the runs we had produced from the 2008 pp run (I only found 138 runs of the 191 we asked for).

An initial look at how vertex code effects dAu collisions

Code for running Minuit with PCTs removed is at:



Run in stardev with:

PPV on steroids evaluated for one file

Code is at: /star/data05/scratch/rjreed/PPV2008Eval/VertexJan/

Run in stardev with options:

SPIN 2008 talk - vers3

Hi all,

QA for run 8 production_dAu (produced w/MinuitVF)

I did some QA for run VIII dAu production trying to evaluate how good is the Minuit vertex finder in dAu.

Compare to Marco's QA for previous years:
