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QA for run 8 production_dAu ( zVPD-zTPC/MinuitVF) ....

I was trying to see how different the correlation between the vertex from the VPD and from Minuit  for low luminosity and high luminosity ,but the unfortunately the calibrated runs provided fr

DNP08 revised talk, after more feedback

Here is the latest version of my DNP08 talk which is scheduled for this Friday (Oct. 24), thanks for all the helpful comments/suggestions :)

STAR gamma-jet talk - wwj at DNP08

Here is _draft_ of gamma-jet talk at DNP08. A timed "run through" locally this morning indicated it is too long.

DNP08 revised talk

 Here is the updated version of my DNP08 talk after today's Heavy Flavor phone conference.

DNP 08 Talk

DNP08 Talk on High-xF J/Psi Production in the FMS by Chris Perkins

DNP08 Talk

Attached is my DNP08 talk for next Friday in Oakland CA.

Feedback would be appreciated.

Photonic electron background

The photonic electrons are produced from photon conversion of pi0, and also from other meson decays.

Run 8 1-second scaler failures

 In a TOF presentation by Xiaoping Zhang, some fixed values of the RICH scalers appears to be pres

Electron Identification

The following are the cuts used to identify tracks as electrons.

2005, 2006 Data set

Year 2005:

production = P05if

trgsetupname = ppProduction || ppProductionMinBias

starver = SL07d