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Background conversion probability using identified pi0 sample

Abstract:  Using identified p0 decays we measure the conversion probability for the jet background in the photon sample which passes the CPV cut.

SVT Meeting

04/29/2008 : embedding maker


Quality of hits : it has to be calculated as the ratio between GEANT HIT energy and RECO HIT energy (see below)

Extraction of SMD shower-shape information using conversion method

STAR femtoscopy slides for 2008 Users Meeting


     Here (see the attached powerpoint file) are some slides/plots suggested for inclusion in the 2008 RHIC/AGS Users' Meeting talk which Tom Trainor will give.

Determining efficiencies, yields for signal and background, take 1

SSD Geometry (y2005f)

 Following are the details for all the wafers described in VMC :

(listed for 1 ladder)

Status Report on Extracting Gammas using the Conversion Method

Abstract: We present a status report on extracting gammas using the conversion method in the EEMC.

New Polarized Grids Added to StMCAsymMaker: LSS, AAC, DNS, BB, DSSV



 This page contains source of my talks given in 2008+ (for now)

Number of raw strips (estimation) before and after pedestal&noise substraction

Estimation of the number of strips fired (before and after pedestal&noise substraction) in Simulation