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UE QA Plots: First 60 Runs


The status for analysis of PID spectra with the HFT in AuAu 200GeV

Analysis note for PID spectra with the HFT in AuAu 200GeV

Comparison cpu usage for reconstruction jobs (2013-2016) with -m32 and -m64 options

In the table below it is presented comparison cpu usage for reconstruction jobs on RCF nodes with 40 Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2660 v2 @ 2.20GHz.

HF-PWG minutes 2016/05/19

1) Michael, Long and Nasim presented the analysis D0 v2 and Ds using the test production of Run14 AuAu 200 GeV data (P16id), where great improvement is seen.

Radiation Damage and Photon Identification studies


Prototype LED array.

 We currently have 3 undergrads that are starting now to work full time on building a small array of led as needed for run 17

Run 12 Recalibration Update

The attached figures show from the plots

set078Bb_callpt.pdf, set095Ba_callpt.pdf, set108Bb_callpt.pdf, UpdateRun12.pdf

Jpsi polarization in pp collision at 200GeV


MESON 2016 talk