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Shift Crew Instructions for Restarting FMS LED Pulser

Dijet Partonic Kinematics (Figure 3)

Look at the x ranges covered by dijet and inclusive jet measurements ...

Wilga 2016

Wilga 2016

Centrality determination using Refmult3 for higher moment analysis at √sNN=200GeV at Run11


Jet Meeting - May 18

Mass Plots after voltage change

The following figure shows mass plots from Runs 17133066 and 17133067.  These are the two runs after Chris changed voltage.

HFT internal alignment status for Run16

Calibration from Day132 dAu

 The results of calibration are linked here 

AgML Update -- Refactoring ROOT dictionary

The current implementation of AgML requires 647 separate ROOT dictionary entries in order to support the STAR geometry model.  This includes entries for each geometry module (e.g.

Run 16 notes


Investigation of what dAu rates can be run:
Comparing a standard auau HFT run with the test 70 kHz dAu zdc rate