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Run 16 AuAu200 low luminosity fill requirements

 Here is the summary of the low luminosity running needs for Run 16 AuAu200:

  • Two options:

Run12 Simulation: Vertex Matching


Moriond Conference

 Talk (and proceedings) for Moriond ...



Calculation of weight for central5 events (analysis of NPE in central UU collisions)


Test W analysis on new Tracking sample of run13


WPCF - proceedings v2

WPCF - proceedings v2

WPCF - proceedings v1

WPCF - proceedings v1

Sti comparison between tags SL16b and StiCA_2016

I processed two different sets of data for You do not have access to view this node purposes:
  1. Run 13 pp510: 500 events from st_physics_14079008_raw_1920004.daq

StiCA modifs