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Run12 BEMC Calibration: Table of Systematic Errors


Run12 Simulation: Production Update


Polarization paper proposal companion document

Run12 BEMC Calibration: More About Systematic Errors


run 16 gain calibration

4 pulsers runs have been taken last week.

From Jim :

D0-v2 work


Mike Lisa talk on Lambda Polarization at UCLA Workshop, Feb 2016

I will be giving a 25+5 talk at the QCD Chirality Workshop, to be held at UCLA 23-26 Februrary 2016.

SSD Pedestal/RMS monitor and Bad channel masking

一、Pedestal run monitor

1 check pedestal in one chip

FMS Simulation Update

This is just to give a very brief update on how the simulations are going.

Some reminder on features:
  Ability to simulate multiple particles in events

pi,k,p ,phi meson Rpp from Run9 p+p200 GeV

1、Initial study , only phi meson.