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WPCF - KK femtoscopy - proceedings


LUB Meeting - 03/01/2016

 Shenghui - 
Check charm decay electron cross section. 
Check low pT inclusive electron if have time.
Help on Run14 embedding if available.

Xrootd datasets, 201602 check

Current datasets in Xrootd, in red possibly redundant sets we could (should) drop.

QA For pxlrawHitMaker 2016 Feb28


FastOffline event spread in runs

The following question was posed:

Calibration and Radiation Damage

 An updated version was uploadedon 3/24/2016

TGeant3 Notes

List of G3 user routines defined in TGeant3gu.cxx, and their mapping to methods defined on the interface.

Run13 Data Update



Run12 Inclusive Jet A_LL