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Run12 Simulation: Prelim Jet QA


ucla 2016 workshop


WWND 2016

My global lambda polarization talk for the 32nd WWND (March 2016)

Abstract: Non-central heavy-ion collisions provide a system with

Run 15 Spin QA Update 2

 Here is a list of fills marked as bad for the run 15 2nd pp longitudinal period.



NPE in Run14 Au+Au 200 GeV Meeting Minutes by Zhenyu - 2016/2/12

1) update by Kunsu

MTD local meeting 20160218


FMS Simulation Plots

 This is some first comparisions I've made between reconstructed data vs simulated data, in particular looking at the effect of additional particles on some key variables

D_N in Run 12 for ZDC

Run16 HLT Trigger for MB events

 I looked at the fast offline data to compare the HLT trigger efficiency and purity for vpdmb-5-p-sst events.