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Zimanyi School '15 - v5

Zimanyi School '15 - v5

GMT alignment

Underlying Events in p+p 200 GeV


The <pT> is larger in very low multiplicity event, which is different than other publication and PYTHIA simulation.  

Trigger Efficiency for 151202 MTD Phone Meeting

Efficiency Correction for Net-Proton Higher Moment


Jet Meeting - Dec 16

Progress in PID using TOF

It seems that most of the problems are gone.

Zimanyi School '15 - v4

Zimanyi School '15 - v4

Run-11 Transverse Jets: dE/dx PID Plots

The following plots show nσ(K,p,e) plots for events passing the "standard" 2011 nσ(π) cuts (-1.5 to +2.5) in comparison to a potential set of new cuts

Zimanyi School '15 - v3

Zimanyi School '15 - v3