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Zimanyi school KK talk


Zimanyi School '15

Zimanyi School '15

Scalars 2015 talk


Test SSD New Firmware with CMN suppression


Study the online threshold

Dataset : 

  1. 17046031 , threshold of N = 2.5 and Constant = 4.
  2. 17

FTS Tracking with Stv 11/24/15

pEPD 2016 FEE box geometry and cabling

Slides made for STAR OPS meeting to show the dimensions of the two FEE boxes for the 2016 pEPD.

iTPC files

 1.  new and old combs comparison

Zimanyi School '15 Abstract v5

Zimanyi School '15 Abstract v5

NPE in Run14 Au+Au 200 GeV Meeting Minutes by Zhenyu - 2015/11/20

1) Photonic Electronic in Run14 data - Shenghui

Zimanyi School '15 Abstract v4

Zimanyi School '15 Abstract v4