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Trigger Efficiency for 151118 MTD Phone Meeting

BulkCorr PWG


New SST Online Plots

Defined Histograms

Garfield Simulation for TPC - Grid Leak Study

This blog presents the document of the GARFIELD simulation study to reduce / remove the "grid leak" in the TPC.

D0 reconstruction with KFParticle run2014

 We are using the KFParticle algorithm based on the Kalman filter to perform full vertex reconstruction.

FTS Tracking with Stv 11/17/15

From Thursday's OffSoft meeting...

FTS Tracking

NLO polarized jet code installation guide

This page contains instructions for the "old" version.

Zimanyi School '15 Abstract

Zimanyi School '15 Abstract

test entry after sun upgrades

Nothing to see here, move along

Scalars 2015 Abstract

 Scalar particle production at the STAR experiment in the Double Pomeron Exchange process