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Update on Run 15 pp-Pa pi0 AN




NPE in Run14 Au+Au 200 GeV Meeting Minutes by Zhenyu - 2015/11/06

1) Data - Kunsu

Correction For Ring of Fire

 We knew that there was a background during Run 15, we called it the "Ring of Fire" because it showed up as a circle of nearly fixed rapidity.

Correction For Ring of Fire

 We knew that there was a background during Run 15, we called it the "Ring of Fire" because it showed up as a circle of nearly fixed rapidity.

NPE in Run14 Au+Au 200 GeV Meeting Minutes by Zhenyu - 2015/10/23

STAR Newsletter, scheme


Page for holding auau27 ee notes

The attachments shall update as the note updates-work in progress. Cheers

The current(3/6/18) note is this one:

Run 9 Systematics on UEH Correction for Cross Section

Looking at the systematics on the underlying event and hadronization correction to the theoretical cross section ...

HF PWG Weekly Meeting minutes, 2015,11,05
