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BEMC calibration: slope band appeared in JP2 sample

 It is expected that the JP2 triggerred events should be unbiased, or much less biased for individual tower E/p calibraiton.

Run 13 Update (Event Level)


Quick way to validate changes to the geometry library...

1) Export original geometry to a CINT file

2) Export modified geometry to a CINT file

StvFTS news

Dec 11 2015
Some resume before the prrof
For big density 1000 tracks in FTS KNN gives much better results than the standardseed finder.

WPCF 2015 - v4

WPCF 2015 - v4

Time Dependent Correction files for Database Updating (Run 11)

Run Number        #Events(fms_st)   Entries in Database   

Functional form of weight for energy collection in lead glass

z =0 is the face of the lead glass at phtocupling suface with phototubes.

Pavia Group IFF Projections

Spin Meeting Update - Nov 2, 2015

Single Spin Asymmetries - Investigation