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Channels rejected :



PSU vs. CVS code : (Time Dep. + tower rejection in database)

The CVS checked code : 
1) Time Dependent implemented in database.
2) Hot channel information inserted with time dep. information

B feed-down contribution to D0 simulation


MPI 2015 Trieste


MPI Talk

 After the FMS meeting, I am posting minor changes to my talk.
Hi attached is the current version of my talk "V5"

gain calibration run 15

15 pulser runs were taken on Feb,24th (run 16055075 to 16055093)

NPE in Run14 Au+Au 200 GeV Meeting Minutes by Zhenyu - 2015/11/13

1) eK pair - Jie 

Minutes 11-13-2015

 BES in strangeness:

Minutes 11-13-2015

 BES in strangeness:

Run 13 W analysis : Study on PPV_Boost Cut

 PPV_Boost [PPV_W] Cut Study - STAR 2013 W analysis 
