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Materials for Collaboration Meeting: S&C Group Report, June 1-6, 2015

RP Opeartions Instructions 06/01/2015


AGS User meeting slides draft


NPE in Run14 Au+Au 200 GeV Meeting Minutes by Zhenyu - 2015/05/29

0) QM Abstract

STAR collaboration meeting


RHIC/AGS Annual Users Meeting Presentation


How to mount CephFS


The Online Compute Cluster (ONLXX) is composed of 30 nodes, each containing 6 - 2TB drives. We dedicated 4 drives per node to the distributed storage system Ceph.

Plans for the inclusive pi0 paper

Run9 Dijet For Spin Group

[Talk] RHIC/AGS Users' Meeting - Azimuthally-Sensitive Two-Pion Interferometry in U+U Collisions