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Run-11 Transverse Jets: Analysis Note Drafts


Run9 Dijet Comparisons New endcap gain

Run-11 Transverse Jets: Paper Drafts


TOF mass2 distribution

 Using PicoDst physics (not physics2), days: 160-166, 50M events 

Spin Parallel Session at the June 2015 Collaboration Meeting


Run 12 Cu+Au TPC Hit Errors

set fil=( /star/u/witt/TPC/HitErrors/Run12CuAu/st_physics_13151013_raw_5040004.daq )

Multiplicity and q2 distributions


Update on Untriggered Di-hadron Correlations in BES Program


Effects of Altro threshold change from currently used 3 to proposed 4

 To study the effects of the threshold increase, from current 3 to proposed 4, of an altro digitizer chip, on tracks, separete simulations were performed with these values.

dsmAdc issue from the trigger simulator - solution

Dataset: p+p 500 GeV, 2011, BHT1 trigger (id: 320501, dsmAdc > 18)
Library: SL11d
Trigger Simulator Library: SL15c + modifications