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eSTAR with Thin Solenoid

 In order to increase  magnetic field in endcap reagion it has been considered a possibility to remove STAR magnet pole tips and 

Compare primary track quality from Runs 16132028 (normal parameters) and 16132032 (changed daq/ALTRO).

 Tonko took a few runs with changed daq/ALTRO parameters.
I have  compared two runs :

QA of full embedding production - with weight

QA of full embedding production - no weight

GHP 2015


NPE in Run14 Au+Au 200 GeV Meeting Minutes by Zhenyu - 2015/05/15

1. Data

June 4 council meeting

 There will be a council meeting on June 5 during the STAR collaboration meeting. I will use this blog to post material that is relevant for the discussion.

Update on AN Run 15


Error projection for 19.6 dAu diE spectra

HF PWG Meeting Minutes - 2015/05/14

1) I