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run 15 pAl timing scan


RHIC Users Mtg 2015


New FMS calibration Day155 for voltage iteration.

I have completed a gain calibration based on data from Day155.  The Runs used were

16155001, 16155002, 16155003, 16155004


BSO Beam Test

1>HV Settings 
Energy deposit classification

RHIC Users 2015


Run 12 pp 200 EEMC Cal Entry Comparison (9 M vs 2 M)


Transverse Asymmetry Errors for Run 15 pp and pAu


STAR Run 15 Report

STAR Run 15 Report at the RHIC/AGS Users Meeting, June 11:

SST code : CPPCHECK (round 1)

using code (as of 2015-06-04) from : offline/users/bouchet/SST/StRoot :