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HF PWG Meeting Minutes by Zhenyu - 2015/04/23

Abstract for EPS-HEP conference

Run 9 Underlying Event and Hadronization Investigation

A closer look at the underlying event and hadronization correction to the theoretical cross section ...

Change pipe to lead with Pi0 simulation



HOWTO Store Hits for All Tracks (i.e. showers)


Run 15 p+Au EMC timing scans, etc.

2009 inclusive jet A_LL paper (arXiv:1405.5134), collaboration review of revised manuscript and responses to referees

The below materials are prepared by GPC and PAs for collaboration review in response to PRL referee feedback on the STAR

Non-photoninc electrons in central U+U collisions - abstract for EPS-HEP

Run 12 200 GeV EEMC Full Mip Calibration (2M Entries)