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Updated projections: transverse asymmetries in p+A

 Updated projections for transverse spin asymmetries in p+p, p+Al, and p+Au collisions

VPDMB purity check and vertex position check for pAu 200 GeV


AuAu200GeV Centrality definition Update HFMay6

SPIN PWG meeting, May 06, 2015


D0 Correlation V2


D0 reconstruction with KFParticle


FMS 2011 Simulations :



Minutes for HF PWG meeting on 2015/04/30

Presented estimates of disk space needed in the near future for MTD picoDst
Primary vertex - selected from all vertices in the event, not only the default one

NPE in Run14 Au+Au 200 GeV Meeting Minutes by Zhenyu - 2015/05/01

Attendance: Xiaozhi, Mustafa, Wei, Xin, Zhenyu

1. Run14 Data
Since Kunsu was not connected, Xin pointed to his presentation at the LBNL RNC group meeting on April 27: 

run# 16125048