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TMVA tests for D0

Following HF meeting (20150416) :

DIS 2015 talk about jets


Day113 Analysis

This is an initial analysis of 4 Runs 16133017, ..18, ..19, ..20 

Drell-Yan Summary QCD Bkg Suppression Simulation for 500GeV

Note on StTriggerSimuMaker usage 2015-04-24

StTriggerSimuMaker is used to tell whether bemc or eemc tower should be fired for given trigger.  

Run15 L2 Sample Plots/Docs

 The following plots are needed from these files:

L2Monitoring_ShiftCrew.pdf: All pages needed.

Charm Workshop

FMS Update April 23 2015

Here is an update on the 2015 for the FMS/FPS

HFT efficiencies

 Following the discussion at todays software I have put down some observations.
These raise more questions than the solve, but hopefully they can hep discussions.

Conference Talks : DIS 2015

DIS 2015 [03/31/15- 04/04/2015] - STAR 2013 W AL analysis