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Investigating Single Spin Asymmetries

Relative Luminosities:

R5 = L-+ / L++
R4 = L-- / L++

Plot 1 : N-+/N++ vs R5
Plot 2 : N-+/N-- vs R5/R4

NPE in Run14 Au+Au 200 GeV Meeting Minutes by Zhenyu - 2015/04/10

 This is the first meeting.

Vertex Refitting

This is blog about vertex refitting




HF meeting 20150416


Run 15 drift velocity calibration efficiency

Upsilons in U+U - E/p corrections revised

Elliptic flow from correlations in AuAu $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$=7.7~ 39GeV


Mom Res effect on pair efficiency

Two set:
1. no momentum smearing in single track sampling and pair momentum and mass calculation.

Summary of Trigger Rate Analysis

 This is a summary of conclusions about the dropping trigger rate.

Cross check

 Figure 1, unfold detector level jets from embedding to particle level jets, compare the unfold result (green) with original particle level jets (red)