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SSD hot chip table

Masking table for SSD chip.

Directed flow of Charged Kaons in Au+Au Collisions from BES Program at RHIC


W+/W- Update


Run12 initial tower gain


Background estimation for run13w period two


Check HFT with respect to TPC with AuAu200 low luminosity 2014 data.

 I have used the low luminosity Run XIV data AuAu200 for days 84-90 (RFF) reconstructed with new (12/14, time stamp 20120101.001454) TPC super sector alignmnet.

SCINT2015 abstract

Comparison of TPC SuperSector alignment parameters

 From Mustafa's Comparison of TPC super-sectors alignments, I used the parameters found here:

Run 13 TPC Calibration

 Run 13 - TPC Calibration


Flow and nonflow paper: Centrality Dependence

This page is to support paper

ΔV{2} fit: