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StFpsRawHitMaker code review request

StFpsRawHitMaker is developed by Akio for accessing FMS Pre-shower raw data in daq files. It re-uses the existing StFmsHit model for

Spin pattern for run 15 (full)

Four single beam patterns:

Based on pre-2012 patterns with a 24-bunch crossing basic pattern

Dijet Analysis - Plots - ZVer60

Bemc East/West Trigger Rates


Run 15 FMS Readiness and STAR Magnet Effect

Sum of ADC counts for all events over all runs taken during a HV gain curve scan on Day 21;
Large cell HV setpoint range: 1100-1700 V

WWND 2015


Run15: SSD Cosmic ray run

EPD technical ideas


Non-photonic electrons at the STAR experiment - poster

Run13 period 2 W embedding: QA

Here you can find the QA plot for the embedding sample.